
Marketing Strategies to Drive Your Business Growth


It is not easy to grow a business. From the moment you have that viable idea that you want to put into plan, you have to create a business plan that includes how you plan to grow your business and tell everybody about that. Unfortunately, the actual growth part of it is the hardest bit. You need to discover a profitable niche, define your audience, and have something that you want to sell to them that isn’t going to be undercut by everybody else in the niche industry that you choose.

person writing on papers with a ceramic coffee mug on wooden table

Photo by Unseen Studio

Without the right marketing plan to help, you’re not going to be able to churn that profit. Sure, you can continue to print the quality leaflets and business cards you’ve been printing, but if you’re not going to get anywhere with them, what’s the point? You want to make sure that any money you spend in your business is going the right way, which is why it’s so important that you think about the right strategies to market your business. How do you get your message to the audience and do it in an effective way? How do you boost your visibility? How do you increase your sales? Let’s take a look at some strategies that will help you to drive that growth. Once your business is going strong and successful, working for yourself truly will be one of the best jobs!

Laptop and power bank

Photo by Anete Lusina from Pexels

1. Leverage social media where you can. You can’t ignore the power of social media, and any business that is ignoring it is doing something wrong. That’s where the magic is happening, and that’s where your audience will be. Some businesses have been built on the back of social media platforms, so it can be very intimidating at first. As you build your momentum, however, you’ll find that posting on social media will get easier and easier overtime. You can hire social media managers to do this for you, but when you start out and you’re by yourself, you can be as authentic as you like. Post your thoughts, post your product, and let people have that personal impression of your business.

2. Make your own video tutorials. One of the best and most effective ways to get the word out on your business is to create video tutorials. This way, you can teach people something useful about your business, you can walk them through it, you can hold their hand, and you can offer step-by-step tutorials that are all the rage. People like to consume video content, so if you’re creating a service or a product, you can teach others how to do it and leverage that side of your business too.

3. Start your own blog. Just because video content is popular doesn’t mean that the written word is going anywhere anytime soon. A blog isn’t just about posting your ideas, but it’s about posting your opinions and showing that you are an authority in your industry. Pick your hobbies and passions, for example food, fashion or travel, and blog about them. It will allow you to spend time doing what you love and earn an income too! When I worked as a full time travel blogger, I spent years travelling, meeting people of different backgrounds, having fun and seeing the world! Of course, vlogging can feel mundane as if it’s lacking visibility, but the power of search engine results, pages such consoles and keywords can keep you relevant. People want to read what you have to say, so you need to be able to back up what you are selling.

Young man travelling photographer Canon

Photo by Jakob Owens

4. What about Search Engine Optimization? It’s an area of online marketing that most people forget about, and some people can be frightened by the idea of trying to get to grips with keyword research. But it’s also a very powerful tool, and when you learn to leverage it correctly and you learn search engine optimization in the right way, you really can build something great. Understanding the importance of backlinking in all of that is also very helpful. Once you learn to leverage it, your business is going to fly.

5. Yes, to influencer marketing. Although you may not like the idea of being an influencer yourself, influencer marketing can be a game changer for your business, thank you very much. If you don’t lean into it occasionally, you’re going to find it very difficult to understand how you can make it work properly. Get the word out there, boost your visibility and show off what you can do by leaning on influencers to spread the word about you.

6. Make sure that you have a good lead magnet. There is a lot of effectiveness in marketing that comes down to creating the right leads. A right lead magnet presented to the correct audience can be explosive in results. One of the best ways to do this is if you can identify pain points and present a solution in your lead magnet and then you’re on your way. Understanding the problems that consumers are facing in your niche can help to get you out there. So what kind of lead magnet should you build? Whether it’s an ebook or a CHEAT SHEET or checklist or a video, you need to have something tangible for people to use.

7. Don’t forget about social media advertising. While you’re using free pages and free marketing groups, you should think about social media advertising in the sense of Facebook ads or Instagram ads. The trick isn’t just about clicking through traffic, you have to focus on the conversions and the retargeting that you get through your pixels. If you don’t know how to install this, then you need to get out there and Start learning.

8. LinkedIn is a powerful platform too. What about the Facebook for business that is LinkedIn? If you have a video on your LinkedIn profile, you can add one and that way you can take the time to introduce yourself and what you do properly. When you link that to your profile description, you can passively market your business. When done right, you can get amazing results.You don’t have to have thousands of connections on LinkedIn, but if you do, start posting immediately so that you can reach that larger audience. They also share your posts, and when those posts go viral, you can thank yourself for it.

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