Coffee Travel

Bear Brothers & Cow, Zurich


One of the highlights of my weekend trip to Zurich last month was our visit to Bear Brothers & Cow coffee shop in trendy Kreis 4. Few things make me as happy as visiting beautiful cafés and meeting fellow coffee lovers around the world to chat about our common passion! :)

Bear Brothers & Cow is a temporary pop-up which opened in Zurich last summer and sadly will be closing down at the end of this month. If you live in Zurich, don’t miss their closing party BBQ next Friday.

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Bear Brothers & Cow – a place of pilgrimage for quality-oriented coffee lovers. […] Zurich finally secures a place on the map of the international specialty coffee scene. [Coffee Guide Zurich]


The coffee shop features an espresso bar, though the beautiful La Marzocco Strada EP machine is almost relegated to a corner, while the brew bar at the front steals all the attention. Among the different brewing methods used at BB&C are Chemex, Aeropress, Coffee Syphon and V60.

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Bear Brothers & Cow use seasonal coffees lightly roasted in Germany and Switzerland (The Barn, Bonanza Coffee Roasters, Henauer Kaffee, Kafischmitte, Stoll Kaffee), but on the day we visited they were proudly showing us British coffee beans they had just brought back from the London Coffee Festival!

We chatted a bit about the festival and then I asked the barista for recommendations on what to order.

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From the “Slow Coffee” menu I tried the Costa Rica Vista al Valle brewed with a Hario V60 dripper, the coffee was clean and sweet and was perfect as an afternoon cup.

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My husband tried the Bear Brothers & Cow refreshing signature drink of Cold Brew and Tonic water.


The coffee shop was busy during the hour or so we stayed there, with a constant flow of new and regular customers. It was nice watching the baristas taking the time to chat to everyone with passion.

It was a lovely visit and I am sad that they will be closing down so soon. I hope Bear Brothers & Cow will re-open in Zurich in a permanent location soon!

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[…] next stops were Bear Brothers & Cow for coffee and of course Sprüngli, a Swiss luxury confectionery manufacturer founded in 1836 and […]

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